How Financial Aid and Scholarships Work

 Session 1 – February 21, 2023

Thanks to those who were able to attend Session 1: How Financial Aid and Scholarships Work.  As promised, below you will find the webinar recording, slide deck, and offerings. 

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Financial Aid

Wake Me When It’s Over


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Fin Aid + Admissions


Slide Deck

We covered a lot in our first session of the College Winter Bootcamp. The big takeaways were:

  • How Financial Aid & Scholarships work and how to maximize each
  • What is your Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
  • How you get discounts if you are not eligible for financial aid
  • What specific colleges will actually cost your family
  • What you need to know about the FAFSA & CSS Profile now
  • What FAFSA changes divorced/separated families need to know
  • What FAFSA changes business owners need to know

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