College Success Bootcamp – Learn How to Tackle College Planning In 3 FREE Sessions!

College Success Bootcamp

Is College Planning Really That Complicated??

I had an interesting conversation with my optometrist recently. When she saw that I work in college planning, she told me about two of her optometrist friends who live on opposite sides of the country. Despite the distance between them, they had one very relatable thing in common – they had both just hired professionals in the college planning industry to help guide their family through the college process. 

My optometrist looked at me and said, “That is REALLY a thing? Is it THAT complicated now? Because I remember doing it all on my own with some help from my high school counselor.”

The truth is, yes – planning for college has become much more complex than it was 20-30 years ago. The strategies involved, the competition, the costs – it’s an entirely new ballgame that most parents feel unprepared to navigate alone.

Let’s start with the price tag. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, average college tuition has increased by roughly 65% in the past 20 years!  That’s a steep increase that families now have to plan much more strategically for.

Then there’s the sheer volume of applications colleges are receiving these days. When I applied in the 90s, I only sent out 4 applications total. Now, the average student is applying to 8-12 schools. As the applicant pools rise, admission rates drop, adding further pressure to students and their families.

And then there’s testing. The shifting landscape of requirements alone is enough to make your head spin. Some schools have got test-optional in recent years, but we’re now seeing that trend reverse with more institutions announcing required test score submissions as part of the application process again.

It begs the question – should your student take the ACT, SAT or both? Do you need to send scores if it’s test-optional? There are so many nuances and strategy considerations around testing that go far beyond just preparing for the exams themselves.

With so much more at stake financially and competitively, a high school counselor no longer has the time or energy to walk their large caseload through this process every year. Families need more assistance and guidance to make educated decisions and maximize their opportunities.

That’s why College Aid Pro created our FREE College Success Bootcamp – to be THE foundational guide for parents to learn how to approach college planning today and what is most important. Over 3 power-packed days, we’ll cover the essential pieces of college planning.
1. Financial Aid & Scholarships
2. Admissions
2. Test Prep


College Success Bootcamp Session 1: Financial Aid & Scholarships 

Monday May 21st (4pm PT/7pm ET)

This session is led by Matt Carpenter, co-founder of College Aid Pro and Peg Keough, College Aid Pro’s Director of Education. They are both industry veterans who truly understand the ins and outs of financial aid, and a power teaching team. You’ll learn how to estimate college costs for every school in the country based on YOUR family’s finances and your student’s grades and test scores. (Yes, you can find out your true costs before you even add a school to your list!)

Gain insights into which colleges are most likely to offer merit scholarships, how to maximize returns on items like the FAFSA, and more. We’ll also cover tailored strategies for unique situations like small business ownership or divorced/separated families.

College Success Bootcamp Session 2: Admissions

Tuesday May 22nd (4pm PT/7pm ET)

Finding an affordable college that fits your student’s needs is an art and a science. Our admissions experts Brian Ford and Dan Bisig join Matt Carpenter and teach you how to research and build a balanced college list, offer advice on applying in the various decision rounds, how many schools to target, whether your student should apply with a declared major, and more essential tips for improving admissions odds.


College Success Bootcamp Session 3: Test Prep

Wednesday May 23rd (4pm PT/7pm ET)

Did you know that entrance exam scores impact not only admissions but also scholarship awards? In this session J.P. Schmidt, our test prep guru and former financial aid director at the University of Southern California joins Matt and Peg to teach you how to determine if the ACT or SAT is the better test for your student’s strengths. You’ll also learn smart moves for sending scores, insights into mastering each section of the tests, and prep timelines to set your student up for success on test days.

In a world of overwhelming and often questionable online college advice, the FREE College Success Bootcamp provides a clear, trustworthy roadmap from credible experts in the trenches. You’ll transform from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to prepared and confident about this exciting transition. 

Because yes, college planning is complicated these days. There are numerous steps, factors to evaluate, and strategies to consider. It does take time and energy. But it’s undoubtedly worth the effort when your goal is setting your high schooler up for long-term success and happiness.  

We all want to see our kids thrive, grow into their full potential, and end up at a college they love – a place where they are intellectually challenged yet supported. That’s the ultimate goal, right? Joining us at the FREE College Success Bootcamp will show you how to chart this path while also finding affordable best-fit options for your family’s needs.  

Your child’s future should be filled with opportunity, not financial burdens and regret. Let us guide you from confusion to control, so you can make this critical transition as smooth and rewarding as possible for your student. The right planning now leads to options they’ll be grateful for later. So what are you waiting for? Register today! (Have we mentioned it’s free:)