College Aid Pro
Office Hours

April 3, 2023

Next Steps

MyCAP Premium

For the DIYer + Some Expert Help

$299  $254

  • Full MyCAP Software Access for 1 year
  • 1:1 live meeting with an expert (60 Minutes) 
  • Use Coupon Code: OH15

Wake Me When it's Over

For Those That DON’T Want to DIY


Don’t forget to subscribe to the CAP Youtube Channel for more free videos. 

In this Office Hours session, Dan Bisig & Chuck Bates, answered questions regarding these pressing topics:

  1. Conversations on Private Loans and sources
  2. How to handle divorce and impact on Financial Aid Forms
  3. Does it make sense to appeal to large Public Colleges
  4. Lots of questions on transfers and the transfer process
  5. How the 529 Plan impacts EFC (SAI)

Look forward to seeing you at the next Office Hours!

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