As a former freshman in college, I can attest to the fact that move-in day is no easy feat. It’s filled with big boxes and even bigger emotions. Regardless of how you’ve packed or how you’re feeling, we here at College Aid Pro have you covered to make sure your move-in day goes as smoothly as possible. 

My name is Claire, and I’m currently a senior at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. This summer, I am working with College Aid Pro to give you an inside look into the mind of a living, breathing college kid!
Think of me as an in– your ticket into better understanding your college student, how their mind works, and a closer contact to university life. This is the third article in my summer series in collaboration with CAP. If you’d like to check out more of my work, you can read my last article, Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems: 5 Budgeting Tips for Broke College Students, here

What You Really Need on College Move-In Day

  1. DO Bring Your PatienceMoving in any capacity is stressful! There’s bound to be a lot on anyone’s mind. Where is everything? Do we even have everything? How are we going to fit all of this stuff in the car? Tack on the fact that a new life transition is happening and, well, tensions can rise, to say the least (speaking from personal experience).
    While these things are all true, remember that moving to college is meant to be an enjoyable experience! Nobody wants to start their college career by screaming at their parents/kids while lifting a mini fridge up seven flights of stairs because the elevator is broken. That being said, the most important thing to bring with you on move-in day is
    patience. Count to ten, squeeze a stress ball, do your meditation and get a good night’s sleep beforehand. Set yourself (and your family) up for success by making sure you’re in the right headspace! 
  2. DO Bring Cleaning Supplies

    Dorms are gross. They’ve withstood, in many cases, generations of students, so there will most likely be gunk in your student’s room upon arrival. This is a great time to break out the cleaning supplies! Not only will they be helpful in this moment, but your student will also be able to use them throughout the year.
    Start by vacuuming/mopping/swiffering the floors (they will be dusty!) wiping down any and all surfaces (desks, dressers, etc) before even thinking about assembling that futon. You don’t have to buy the most expensive, top of the line Dyson vacuum or the mop that’s gone viral on the internet. In my case, I did just fine with a years-old mini dirt devil and generic wipes from Target. Taking the time to clean everything prior to building/organizing/decorating gave me the peace of mind to know that my room was fully clean underneath everything.
  3. DO Bring Snacks for Helpers

    Regardless of where your student has chosen to go to college, they will have an RA, RD, or student helpers volunteering around them on move-in day. My sophomore and junior years of college, I was one of these volunteers, and I can tell you firsthand that it is often a thankless job. You’re out in the heat all day lifting heavy things and it can be difficult to stay motivated! The best way to give back to the people who will be taking care of your child is to bring them snacks!
    When I moved into college my freshman year, my parents made sure to leave a bit of extra space in the car to bring some treats for those helping out, and they really appreciated it. Gatorade, water, granola bars, chips, and cookies are great places to start. Again, it doesn’t have to be anything too fancy–but a little something to show your appreciation goes a long way! College students always love free food, so at the end of the day, it’s the thought that counts more than anything else.
  4. DO Bring a Toolbox

    This one may sound self-explanatory, but it never hurts to be prepared! I can’t even begin to tell you how much we used my toolbox when moving in. Make sure you have a basic one onhand when assembling your student’s dorm–it’s a lifesaver! That being said, here are some things you should probably consider adding to your toolbox if you haven’t yet.

      • Command Hooks: I’m a firm believer that one can never have enough command hooks in a dorm. If you think you have enough, you don’t. I promise. Some will break, and your student (if they’re anything like me) will ultimately buy more things to hang on their walls throughout the year. Grab command hooks in all shapes and sizes so you have variety!
      • Sticky Tack: This is also another great one for hanging things up. Dorm walls and the paint on them are not the best quality, so sticky tack is another way to make your student’s dorm look cute without worrying about peeling paint off the walls.
      • Zip Ties: when setting up my dorm, we went through zip ties left and right. We used them to hold up my headboard, mostly, but they came in handy with other things, too!
  5. DO Bring Your Energy!

    While lugging boxes and lifting bags can be exhausting, I want to reiterate that this day should be exciting! Your student is turning over a new leaf and starting one of the most inspiring chapters of their life. Moving into college marks the first step in adulthood, and you, as their parent or guardian, can help set that pace.
    As an upperclassman, I often see incoming freshmen look to their parents for guidance during move-in more than you might think. Now is the time to begin to push them outside of their comfort zone! Remember: energy is contagious. Make sure the energy you’re giving to your student is hopeful, trusting, and loving. This will help start their college experience off on the right foot, giving them confidence to take on their freshman year!

Best of luck with everyone moving into college over the next month. Whether this is your 1st or 21st time doing a college move-in, we’re thinking about you!

Next up – Campus Connections – Clubs, Organizations, and Community!